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C.A.S.I. Recovery Rooms

Helping Combat Athletes Recovery Faster and Perform Better
Athletic Recovery

In sports, and especially in combat sports, we are constantly pushing our bodies to the limit. The ability of the human body to rapidly recover is the difference between post-training soreness and a debilitating injury resulting in convalescence. In a study performed by Almeida et al, 58.8% of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioners report being injured at some point in their career and report soreness precipitating the injury. If pain is experienced during warm-up exercises, they are also five times more likely to suffer an injury that takes them off the mats (Almeida et al In J Sport Sci Exer 20). 91% of those athletes injured during training, and those which required surgery, are six times more likely to quit the sport altogether when compared to the uninjured combat athlete. If the injury sidelines them more than four or more months, this is increased. (Petrisor et al Sport Health 19).

If we could prevent these injuries from occurring in the first place, and assist our athletes in rapid recovery, we could preserve the health of our athlete and provide stability to the gym owner in regard to membership. In professional sports, the teams already know that implementing recovery programs are an essential part of keeping their athletes healthy and the team performing at their optimal level. The NFL, NBA, and UFC have partnered with the leader in this industry, Hyperice. All CASI Recovery Rooms are powered by Hyperice.

The CASI Recovery Room consists of:

  • 2 CASI Brand Zero Gravity Leather Recliners – places the body in advantageous positions to accommodate injuries
  • 2 Normatec 2.0 Full Body Compression Systems – vasopneumatic systems which provide cyclic compression throughout the body; as little as thirty minutes in this system per day provides the equivalent recovery of a twelve hour rest cycle.
  • 2 Hypervolt Bluetooth Percussion Guns– the quietest percussion gun on the market used to assess trigger points and to perform myofascial release.
  • 2 Vyper Brand Vibrating Rollers – studies show using these vibrating rollers in combination with stretching will provide a myofascial release three times greater than traditional stretching.
  • 2 Venom Brand Wireless Digital Wraps – used to alleviate lower back and upper leg pain or stiffness, through the use of rapid heat coupled with vibration.
  • 1 Hyperice Video Display and Charging Station Shelving System – provides a convenient location to charge these products, and also allows the user to display personalized video via the micro SD card port.

Total Value = $7000.00

(To see C.A.S.I. pricing you must create an account and log in)

This exclusive offering and pricing is only for CASI members. This is the same equipment used in professional sports therapy rooms, now made available to your gym or facility. For individuals or organizations purchasing these recovery rooms, the team at CASI will also help you with implementation of our training and business models in conjunction with the recovery room package, in order to allow membership retention, and to assist in the creation of new revenue streams.

If you would like more information, please reach out to us.

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